Attitudes which will help you lead a happier life

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Look after your body and mind by eating well and keeping active.

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Planning for the short term is not the key to success. Always set long term goals!

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It’s from big dreams that the most creative and innovative ideas come. Don’t be afraid to dream big, there may be risks, but if you don’t try, you’ll never achieve.

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You are the one responsible for your life and your attitude. Making excuses and saying sorry isn’t going to help change anything.

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Talent alone won’t bring success. Learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge and challenging your views help you develop as an individual and adapt to the challenges that lie in your way.

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Overnight success stories are never the whole story. Success is a gradual process, a daily effort to move up one step at a time. Sometimes taking one step back helps you take two forward.

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The truth is nothing is ever fully perfect, no matter how much we try.

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It’s a much better use of your time to do one task using your full concentration, instead of splitting your focus on several different tasks.

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Understand that you can’t control the world. Some things depend on us and others don’t!

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Successful people know that they have to say no to tasks and activities which won’t help them achieve their goals.

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The people who we spend the most time with have a direct influence on who we are, so make sure you’re surrounded by positive people who care about you and make you feel good.

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Don’t waste time molding yourself to be accepted and liked by others. Not everyone is going to like you, no matter what you do.

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Nowadays we waste so much time looking at screens, and it’s time we’ll never get back. These virtual distractions take attention away from our daily lives and life goals.

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Make sure you’re doing something because you like it, and not because it pays well. Even if a job has a big salary, if it’s not what you want to do, you won’t feel fulfilled.

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Debt is not a rite of passage when you’re an adult. Learn how to manage your money effectively, avoiding worry and insecurity.

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Knowing how to speak well is very important, it can help people change opinions on topics and inspire confidence.

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You can only control your own life, don’t try to control other people’s.

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However much you know, unexpected things can always occur. So make sure you are always ready for a plan B!

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Don’t let other people’s ideas define you.

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You often have to go above and beyond to reach your goals.

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If you know yourself well, you will understand how others see you and how you can improve.

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If you know what your prejudices are, work with them so that they don’t influence your path.

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Don’t live in the past, it can’t be changed. Focus on the present, as the future will be built on what you are doing now.

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Traveling and discovering cultures, countries, and philosophies which are different to your own can broaden your horizons and refresh your ideas.

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Our reputation is of great value, and a slip up can change how people see us. So try to do the right thing, be honest, trustworthy and kind to other people.

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Disappointment is a part of life, and knowing how to forgive and not hold on to anger can make you happier in the long run.

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Be honest with yourself even if it means accepting unpleasant things that may happen along the way.

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Happiness is a choice, so try to look on the bright side, even when things are difficult. It’s easier than living with negativity all the time.

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